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As Canadians we are polite, as Anglicans we are private, so we end up saying very little about our faith.  WE are afraid tto say anything that might be taken as offensive by others in any way.  Sharing our personal faith can be one of the most challenging tthings to think of doing with friends and acquaintances.  Sharing our own stoires of how we came to faith is one of tthe best gifts we can give to someone.  It is a non-threatening way to help others take a step towards their own understanding of faith and growing their own faith as a Christian.  So how can we overcome our own fears?

The Missional Workshop on Sharing Your personal Faith will explore the challenges, the opportunities and ways we can be more comfortable talking about our personal faith with others.  This workshop is open to everyone who has questions, is curious or interested in how we can take steps to grow as a Christian.  More details on time and location will be announced.